
24 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Yeah, there really wasn't a well-communicated point or objective or even continuity. There's these random scenes that I can minimally interact with but they don't seem to relate to each other or anything else. Sorry, this one was just a flop IMO.

StuffedWombat responds:

yeah its pretty experimental :)

the scenes are connected through abstract concepts that are hard to read!
thanks for playing!

I didn't feel particularly lost, no. Once I figured out that the room were in a set grid pattern I just went through methodically and found everything pretty easily. The text boxes were a little irritating to work with, especially given the heavy focus on talking to things. My bucket seemed to have been auto-filled when I stepped in the water, instead of my having to interact with it. I couldn't talk to the skulls. Otherwise I like the concept and the graphics are all pretty clear. The lack of a clear objective in the beginning was also communicated well.

being-brin responds:

Thank you for the feedback :)

Nice! My one small complaint is that when in the level select menu, on the second row (7-10) navigation still follows the direction of the first row (on the second row I press left to move to the next level, which is on the right, and right to go back a level, which is on the left). Also I can't press up/down to move between rows, which would speed things up considerably.

TwoPigs responds:

Thanks for playing the game! Your suggestions (row direction & moving between rows) would definitely be good additions to the level selection menu - thanks for raising them! We will jot them down in our list of "Improvements To Implement" and consider them for the next update, cheers!

I'm kinda confused. I finally beat the game, but didn't get several of the medals in the process? I never even saw Bragi, Hugin or Munin...

RunningZombie responds:

There are many hidden medals, you need to explore to find them!

I agree with the previous comments, having a battery indicator by the hp bars would be much better. Also, I would like to actually see the town hall building when I arrive, instead of just a screen skip. Still, pretty solid gameplay.

HelperWesley responds:

Oooh, nobody brought that up in playtesting, but I like the idea.

That will very likely get added when I tune up the game :)

It's only a little bunny...

But yeah, with equipment and storyline and such, I would greatly enjoy replaying this. I do agree that It's a little grindy, but with full auto hunting monsters in Port Town it doesn't take too long. Nice start!

makon28 responds:

Thanks for the review. Glad you enjoyed it. I will update it based on the feedbacks I got here.

Most of the games are a little easy for my tastes (esp alien hominid) but overall nice concept. Meshes well with the Picollage and such projects. I would recommend (besides general polishing) that the text boxes be stylized. As is they're a little jarring.

larrynachos responds:

Thank you for the review! I can definitely try to make the minigames harder.

I'll work on making the text boxes look better, but I don't think I can do things like have username colors or stuff like that. Thanks for the feedback :D

I wouldn't mind a little more progression and backstory, but the straight arcade style gameplay is great! A little bit of variation in the background would also go a long way toward reliving the repetitiveness tbh. The graphics aren't what I would call stunning, but I can easily tell where each platform starts and ends and can tell the difference between all the fruit colors. The tutorial was a little on the sparse side (especially it doesn't even mention the bonus levels) but I picked up the details pretty fast. The controls were tight, and the little bit of slide when you land gave the game some challenge without being frustrating. Overall really nice.

Omael responds:

the bonus level was intended as a surprise :)

The concept and progression are solid (for as far as I got) but a few things could get tweaked. Whether I win or not is mostly determined by how close the berry bushes are to the edge of the screen. Given that there's no way to block bullets and the character only has one hp, the bullets are also going a bit too fast for my tastes. Also it's somewhat hard to tell whether the bushes have been harvested or not, maybe put more berries on the non-harvested bushes? Finally, the squirrels' movement patterns are somewhat predictable, maybe they could be "scared" by bullets traveling close to them? Despite the difficulty and rough patches I enjoyed playing though.

ivaan2808 responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll surely take into account your comments, thanks a lot

Could use some more fleshing out and an ending. Otherwise fun.

adriendittrick responds:

Oops, that bug slipped my radar. Ending is now fixed, you can watch it by loading your save file.


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