Very nice! My final score was around -680.
I do have some issues though:
1. Like several people have said, after a couple fights, the sacrifice room gets really bad lag.
2. What item upgrades movement speed? I may have just missed it, but in the final fight it was still one while every other stat was 4-9.
3. Since the main attack is magic based, Power seems like would make more sense than Strength for the attack stat.
4. It's really hard to tell what some of the powers do. Some, like the flame trails, are pretty obvious, but one only appears to make my projectiles less accurate and one doesn't seem to do anything...
5. Having some items be un-edible is a bit of an odd choice IMO. I mean, I understand not eating TP or a stapler, but why have some items used as upgrades *and* summoning, and others just for summoning.
6. Similar to no. 5, some of the monsters summoned have odd correlations to the items they were summoned by. Some make sense, like the whole chain from Intern Demon to CEO Demon and batteries summoning robots; Others like Bones summoning a ArachnoDemon don't seem to have any relation. This may have just been due to time constraints though.
7. I can't eat the last couple items I received from the fight immediately before I ran out of time. Now, this isn't a huge problem, I'm pretty OP by then anyway, but I still won the items and didn't get to use them.
There are a couple other very minor issues, but I think they are explained by the aforementioned lag and time constraints :/
Overall though, I really liked the concept and basic mechanics, and the art was definitely cute!